Our awareness-raising programme, which began in 2004, has a specific content and objectives that are, at the same time, transversal to the other programmes, especially with the Community Development programme that we carry out in the Orriols neighbourhood. Its axes are: the empowerment and promotion of immigrants, raising awareness of other sectors of the population of the city of Valencia and the vindication of the rights of migrants.

The project promotes understanding of the situation of migrants in Valencian society and establishes bonds of solidarity between migrants and local people, in order to generate a truly active coexistence. At the same time, one of its main functions is to improve the self-esteem of immigrants, their leadership capacity and their understanding of the social, economic and political reality, with the aim of promoting their participation in Valencian society as equals.

We have formed the group "Funtun", in which migrants and local people come together to elaborate, in a participative and creative way, the necessary tools to raise awareness among different people and in different spaces: educational centres and universities, youth centres, workshops and conferences, in the squares and in the streets. We also work to empower migrants to be protagonists in these spaces.

Some of the activities we carry out are:

  • Human Libraries. 6 to 12 migrants tell their stories to small groups (up to 15) of "readers".
    Monologues from The Exclusion. Short monologues, with the participation of up to 10 migrants. Some are written by the monologuists themselves, based on their experiences.
  • Making the Invisible Visible. A one-hour play based on the monologues with audiovisual support and audience participation.
  • Social theatre - "Trial of an immigrant" and "Sub-Humans Show".
  • Anti-racism on wheels. Performances recreating experiences of racism to promote dialogue on transport.
  • Speak Outs. Meetings in which immigrants share their experiences with professionals in the fields of education, health or law enforcement.
  • Talks, workshops, etc. on immigration issues, realities in the countries of origin, social exclusion, racism, etc.
  • Socio-cultural activities. Concerts, dinners, solidarity auction of favours.

Sub el Tono Network Against Racism

València Acull together with Movimiento Contra la Intolerancia, La Casa Grande, Jarit, and Movimiento por la Paz, coordinated by the CAI (Centro de Apoyo a la Inmigración), (Delegación de Bienestar Social e Integración), form the Red Sube el Tono contra el Racismo (Raise the Tone Against Racism Network). Its aim is to raise awareness among students and teachers about racism and xenophobia, to prevent racist and xenophobic behaviour, and to promote civic values of coexistence and anti-racism. The Rise the Tone Against Racism Network carries out its activities in educational centres in primary, secondary and high school, seeking to ensure that these actions have an impact on the general public.

Within the Network, Valencia Acoge specialises in working mainly on issues of institutional racism, through workshops for teachers and students, and raising awareness of the realities of the migrant population, through human libraries. Emphasis is placed on giving the Valencian school community a different view of immigration, necessary for the creation of an inclusive school, where everyone can realise their potential and participate in the creation of a more egalitarian world.