Perhaps you are interested in becoming a volunteer? You can participate with a group of people in one of the programmes - welcoming and informing people in the welcome programme; being part of the legal team, advising people who need to obtain permits, nationality, etc; supporting people who live in Valencia Acoge's supervised flats so that when they leave they have their lives more resolved, (temporary accommodation programme): in the educational integration programme, giving classes in English, Valencian, German, or craft workshops, music, etc.; in the employment programme, supporting people to find training and work and organising workshops related to employment; in awareness raising, working as a team to make Orriols an exemplary neighbourhood in terms of coexistence or in the empowerment of immigrants so that they have the voice they deserve in this society. In the own funds programme and in awareness-raising, you can participate in the organisation of activities, concerts, auctions of favours, cinema-forums, parties, talks, solidarity dinners.

Normally we work in teams, but there is a role for you if you are a person who is clear about what you want to offer, and you prefer to present the idea to the association and take charge of its organisation and - music workshops, organisation of theatre or sport activities, production of a newsletter, translations, accompaniment to hospitals, etc. And there is always a need for people who are willing to help with the administrative work.

You can also take an active part in advocacy, denouncing and demanding rights. Valencia Acoge is very involved in the Campaign for the Closure of CIEs. We participate in campaigns to strengthen our sector, we are part of the Red Acoge and the Mesa de Entidades. We are involved in the struggle for human rights and better opportunities for immigrants in Valencia.

We invite you to download, fill in and send us or bring us the

Volunteer Registration Form or fill in the following online form.

participa con valencia acoge

Formulario Alta voluntario

    AcogidaAsesoría JurídicaAsesoría LaboraInserción socialViviendaPisos AcogidaSensibilización / ParticipaciónPrograma AprendizajeIncidencia PolíticaAdministraciónMantenimiento InfraestructurasFondos propios - Fundraising