Racism and xenophobia are on the rise and Valencian society is no exception. Officially, the figures are not very striking, but the same organisations that keep the records are aware that only a small percentage of cases are reported because the victims are afraid of reprisals or because they have assimilated this type of aggression as a natural part of their daily lives. On many occasions, if the victim is in an irregular administrative situation, they do not go to report because they run the risk of having deportation proceedings initiated against them and not even having the complaint processed.

Faced with this situation, the Programme for the Promotion of Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination offers direct assistance to people of migrant origin who are discriminated against or suffer hate crimes because of their race or ethnicity, beliefs or cultural practices. Their case is documented (anonymously, if they wish) in order to register it at regional and/or state level, intercede with the aggressor (whether an individual or the Administration itself) and carry out advocacy work (with institutions, parties, the media...) with the objectives of compensating the victim for the damage caused and eradicating the causes of this discriminatory situation so that it does not happen again and there are no new victims.


-Fight structural and institutional discrimination through coordinated advocacy actions with other entities with the aim of eradicating the causes of the repetition of discriminatory situations that affect migrants as a whole.

-To exert greater mediation and/or pressure on the aggressors in individual cases of discrimination so that the discriminatory act ceases and to try to obtain reparation for the victim.